Friday, 10 January 2014

Gym etiquette: 8 rules that gym goers should try and follow.

Going to the gym is already effort enough and there isn't anything worse then going to the gym to discover its like rush hour at the tube station, with everyone forgetting their manners. This is where I feel the need to shed light on the lack of gym etiquette.

There is unwritten etiquette in all parts of life, for example… When in a bar, putting down a coin on the pool table means youre next in line to use it, or If you are at the store and another cashier opens a till then it is etiquette to let the people who have already been queuing to go first. Finally it is also etiquette to clear the internet history on the family computer after you stay up to work on that "project" at 2am. You get the idea.

So this is a list of 8 annoying things people do in a gym that just shouldn't be done, as follows:

Number 1: Put The Weights Back.
Number 2: Protein Farts.
Number 3: Hygiene.
Number 4: Wash Your Gym Kit.
Number 5: Clean The Sweat.
Number 6: Roar Control.
Number 7: Share the weights.
Number 8: Cover your junk.

No one is perfect, but if everyone followed these rules then the gym would a utopian place to go. There will always be people who do all of the above, so be a pal and share this post with the worst offenders!

Follow me if you wish:
Twitter: @MarcCharlton_PT
Instagram: MarcCharltonPT

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